Wednesday 14 July 2010

Kyoto - Night Two and Day Three

We spotted this pagoda from our bedroom window and set out to find it last night. It looked quite close....... but it wasn't really.........and then it started to rain ..........again!

This is Astro Boy who zooms past Kyoto station.

And this is Astro Mouse.

A view of Edo Castle roof tops.

Edo Castle entrance and gardens.

The Golden Boy at the Golden Pavillion.

The Golden Wife at the Golden Pavillion.

The Golden Mum and Dad at the Golden Pavillion.

Back in Gion.

Shirley photographed with purchase in the lobby of the Granvia Hotel.
Maybe a few days until our next post - going to Koya san tomorrow to stay in Buddhist Temple for a couple of nights - not sure about internet connection! After that going to Himeji then on to Hiroshima.
We have seen so much, just when we think we must have seen everything there is to see, we are amazed to find even more.
Now going to have a late night browse round souvenier shops - open till late then beer and noodles.

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