Friday 16 July 2010


Spent day wandering about Koyasan`s many temples,shrines and pagodas after an early morning start. At 7am we witnessed the Buddhist service which was followed by breakfast. This is the view from our own, personal diningroom!
The Saito Toto with the Konpon Daito in the background. The two pagodas. This was taken after the torrential rain, lightning and thunder.

Same area - the Kondo.

Bridge over Dragon Queen`s pond.

Artistic shot taken whilst sheltering from the rain. The thunder rumbled on all afternoon. Some of the television pictures from around japan show some terrible flood damage - landslides etc.

Our room in the Fudoin temple Lodgings.

Feeding time!

Calum having a rest.

Big bolt in door.

Zen garden in Kongobuji Temple headquarters of the Shingon Buddhist sect.

Gateway to Fudoin.

Monk Boy at doorway to lodgings.

View from cable car getting here.

View from train - lots of swollen, muddy rivers.
We are going to Himeji tomorrow. Have really enjoyed our stay here. Off to our room to watch the Open in Japanese which is quite disconcerting seeing a place you know so well but not following a word!.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear - looks like there's really bad flooding in Japan! Hope it clears up and doesn't affect anywhere you're going!

    To cheer you up check this out - cutest. thing. ever.
